NET result Dec. 2012, UGC NET dec. 2012 merit list, UGC National Eligibility Test result

UGC NET Result December 2012
UGC conducted the National Eligibility Test(NET) examination on 30th December 2012, Around 7.8 lakh candidates registered for the examination and now its the time for the result. Please note the no official time or date has been decided hence we will inform all over readers with exact time &date as soon as it gets declared. Candidates are requested to be patient & keep visiting the site for more updates. The exam was conducted in 78 subjects at 77 centers across the country
NET Qualification criteria
Please note that only top 15% of the candidates are shrlisted & are declared qualified in the examination & will be selected for the lectureship. Please note that to qualify candidates needs to pass the cutoff in all the 3 sections seperatly. Ther final merit list will be subject wise & category wise. Please note that a seperate merit list will be prepared for Junior Research Fellowship.
Initial Expected Cut off marks in UGC net
Min. score in each section
General: 40% in paper I & II & 50% in section III
OBC: 35% in I & II & 45% in III section
Best of Luck!!
Click here for UGC-NET Dec. result 2012

UGC NET Result December 2012
UGC conducted the National Eligibility Test(NET) examination on 30th December 2012, Around 7.8 lakh candidates registered for the examination and now its the time for the result. Please note the no official time or date has been decided hence we will inform all over readers with exact time &date as soon as it gets declared. Candidates are requested to be patient & keep visiting the site for more updates. The exam was conducted in 78 subjects at 77 centers across the country
NET Qualification criteria
Please note that only top 15% of the candidates are shrlisted & are declared qualified in the examination & will be selected for the lectureship. Please note that to qualify candidates needs to pass the cutoff in all the 3 sections seperatly. Ther final merit list will be subject wise & category wise. Please note that a seperate merit list will be prepared for Junior Research Fellowship.
Initial Expected Cut off marks in UGC net
Min. score in each section
General: 40% in paper I & II & 50% in section III
OBC: 35% in I & II & 45% in III section
Best of Luck!!
Click here for UGC-NET Dec. result 2012