When will Punjab State Maa Lakshmi Diwali Pooja lottery result declared?, date & time of declaration of result, punjabstatelotteries.gov.in

About Punjab State Lotteries
Directorate of Punjab State Lotteries came into existence in the 1968 as a wing of the Finance Department with a view to curbing illegal activities like satta, matka etc and to organize lotteries, at regular intervals, so as to mobilize resources for the State Exchequer. The total staff strength of the department is around fifty.
Punjab state lotteries Diwali Lottery Result 2014
Punjab State Lottery is going to declare the result of Maa Lakshmi Diwali Pooja lottery today at Ludhiana. Candidates who took the ticket & are waiting for the result are to be informed that the result will be declared today i.e 31st October 2014 but no exact time has been declared by the authorities of Directorate of Punjab State Lotteries. Candidates are requested to be patient & keep visiting the website for more updates. We will notify you the time of the declaration of the result soon. Candidates can check the result from the link given below.
Note: The result will also be published in the news paper and in the official website.
Best of Luck!!

Click here to download the claim form
Click here for Diwali lottery result

About Punjab State Lotteries
Directorate of Punjab State Lotteries came into existence in the 1968 as a wing of the Finance Department with a view to curbing illegal activities like satta, matka etc and to organize lotteries, at regular intervals, so as to mobilize resources for the State Exchequer. The total staff strength of the department is around fifty.
Punjab state lotteries Diwali Lottery Result 2014
Punjab State Lottery is going to declare the result of Maa Lakshmi Diwali Pooja lottery today at Ludhiana. Candidates who took the ticket & are waiting for the result are to be informed that the result will be declared today i.e 31st October 2014 but no exact time has been declared by the authorities of Directorate of Punjab State Lotteries. Candidates are requested to be patient & keep visiting the website for more updates. We will notify you the time of the declaration of the result soon. Candidates can check the result from the link given below.
Note: The result will also be published in the news paper and in the official website.
Best of Luck!!

Click here to download the claim form
Click here for Diwali lottery result